Log book – Harvest 2016

Thursday, 6th October, 2016.

With a watchful eye near the optical sorting table, Alain lives a historical moment for himself. As an erudite marathonian, he has worked in the Beychevelle team for 41 years. He is living this intensive moment full of emotions before the relay goes to the vat room.

Log book – Harvest 2016

Tuesday, 4th October, 2016.

Sophie and André are the first ones to graduate from l’Ecole de la Vigne last year. Sophie is analysing the Potential Alcohol Degree from the grapes and André uses gravity to fill the vats. They both sign their first vintage as official members of the Beychevelle boat.

Log book – Harvest 2016

Monday, 3rd October, 2016.

It isn’t a first-time situation for Hakima at Château Beychevelle. She joined the team in 2002 and is now focusing on one of the essential tasks of the harvest : sorting the grapes. With a big smile on their faces, Hakima and our official sorting team are starting a beautiful week.

Marathon du Médoc

A day left until the start of the 32nd edition of the Marathon du Médoc.

Our team is training under our 300 years old Cedar of Lebanon, our oldest supporter, which witnessed the birth of the Marathon.

Good marathon to all the runners!

Lunch with friends

On July 11th, Château Beychevelle welcomed a few friends for a lunch beautifully made of matured meat from Thierry Toujas and dishes from well-known French cook Yannick Delpech along with wines of the Château.

A shared moment of conviviality !